
9500 Villach
Fächer: English

Angaben zur angebotenen Nachhilfe

  • Volksschule
  • Gymnasium Unterstufe
  • Neue Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium Oberstufe
  • Lehre / Berufsschule
  • Erwachsenenbildung
Einzelunterricht oder Gruppenunterricht
Beim Schüler, Beim Lehrer und Online

Persönliche Beschreibung

Dear Mr. /Mrs. Employer

My name is Snjezana, I live in Villach and I am professor of English language and Literature, Social worker, Youth worker and Mediator. I have been working in the fields of education, volunteering, social integration and prevention. I have had a chance to attend seminars on the multicultural exchange of language and literacy, seminars related to the art of litigation and effective communication, social inclusion and integration, both in my country and abroad. My career has given me the ability to independently conduct assessments and provide help to a wide variety of individuals from various socio-economic, cultural, ethnic, educational and other backgrounds. I had a chance to spend several months in Canada, expanding my knowledge in the area of childcare. In the last eight years, I have been working on social integration and prevention programs for socially excluded children, youth and adults, Roma, economic migrants from Balkan and immigrants. During this time I have been working with children and teenagers, helping them with homework, English language courses, designing creative, musical and media workshops. I am also mentor for EVS volunteers, coordinator and mentor for volunteers in our local area. I have also worked coordinating a program for intergenerational learning, life-long learning and development for adults with fewer opportunities. Currently, I am working as a coordinator of European projects in the fields of youth, culture, social integration and prevention and education. My career has allowed me to develop my teaching skills and adjust them to the needs of individuals or a group. The formal and non-formal education that I have acquired, during the past few years, helped me to be very organized, communicative and ready to accommodate any working environment. I have always been a dedicated teacher , patient and with a positive attitude, which I hope will meet your requirements.

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