
5020 Salzburg
Fächer: English

Angaben zur angebotenen Nachhilfe

  • Volksschule
  • Gymnasium Unterstufe
  • Neue Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium Oberstufe
  • BHS
  • Lehre / Berufsschule
  • Uni / FH
  • Erwachsenenbildung

Persönliche Beschreibung

Hello, my name is Ina and I am a master student in Salzburg.

My English level is a B2,2 to C1 level and I am doing my whole master in Salzburg in English.

I have assisted my little cousin before in the English language subject, when she was first starting to learn it at school, now she is almost fluent in English at only 9 years old.

Also I have previous job experiences in the English language, as a sales agent and as a customer service agent, for different campaigns, back in my home country.

Additionally, I am very patient and enthusiastic and I take a great pleasure on encouraging people on liking what they are trying to learn. I am respectful and have good communication skills.

Lastly, I would like to state that due to the fact that my German is only at an A1 level still, I would probably be a better tutor option, for students with at least an A2,1 level of english understanding. In that way we can hold the whole session in English and it would be beneficial for the student even more.

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